ENDURE papers published in peer-reviewed journals

We are proud to inform that two closely-related, peer-reviewed articles have just been published, both investigating aspects of ENDURE project. These are available below: A multiparameter simulation-driven analysis of ship response when turning concerning a required number of irregular wave realizations AbstractThe growing implementation of Decision Support Systems on modern ships, digital-twin technology, and the… Czytaj dalej ENDURE papers published in peer-reviewed journals

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Final seminar

A final seminar of ENDURE project has been held on November 23, 2023. Several presentations were held by Project Partners, including concept of operations, technical solutions, and outcome of tests. These have been followed by a discussion with attending audience, among which there were representatives of both academia and the industry.

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Seminarium podsumowujące projekt

Szanowni Państwo Niniejszym mam zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa na seminarium podsumowujące projekt badawczo-rozwojowy „Detection, prediction, and solutions for safe operations of MASS (ENDURE)”. Seminarium odbędzie się dnia 23 listopada 2023 o godzinie 09:00 w sali 121 Wydziału Nawigacyjnego Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni (Gdynia, al. Jana Pawła II 3). Podczas seminarium zaprezentowane zostaną podstawowe założenia projektu, przeprowadzone… Czytaj dalej Seminarium podsumowujące projekt

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The software and hardware developed within ENDURE project has been tested in real environment including Arctic conditions. s/v Horyzont II, were it has been installed, conducted a re-supply mission to Svalbard archipelago, during which the concept has been put into a rigorous tests by ENDURE personnel.

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Ground-Based Augmentation System

As part of the Project, and to allow extra-precise measurements of ship motions, a Ground-Based Augmentation System has been setup in Gdynia. It will serve as a precision-and-accuracy enhancer and integrity validator for future measurements of Project-related test scenarios during real-environment runs of research vessels. Test runs are scheduled for Summer 2023, stay tuned for… Czytaj dalej Ground-Based Augmentation System

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Scholarship for GMU students #3

Poszukiwani/-e studenci(-ki) (2 osoby) studiów I lub II stopnia na kierunku Nawigacja Uniwersytetu Morskiego, zainteresowani (-e) stypendium ufundowanym przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju ze środków Funduszy Norweskich. Celem współpracy jest prowadzenie badań naukowych i przygotowanie pracy dyplomowej w zakresie systemów wspomagania decyzji w sytuacji kolizyjnej. Warunkiem otrzymania stypendium jest przygotowanie wstępnej wersji pracy dyplomowej… Czytaj dalej Scholarship for GMU students #3

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Recent conference activities

ENDURE project on-going activites have recently been presented during two international conferences. Presentation „Evaulation of stability criteria limiting the angle of heel due to turning, in the light of ship motion simulation results” was given during the 18th International Ship Stability Workshop. The full paper will be made available once proceedings are published or upon… Czytaj dalej Recent conference activities

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ENDURE in London

On March 31st-April 1st, 2022, scholars from Gdynia Maritime University attended a Royal Institution of Naval Architects Autonomous Ships 2022 conference. Jan Nasur, a scholarship holder in the Project, presented his and his co-authors paper, entitled ’SWOT analysis of Leading Safety Indicators for collision avoidance of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships’.

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New publication available

We are proud to announce that a new scientific paper based on the Project has been published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety. In our paper, we analyze the values of Bow Crossing Range (BCR) in the encounters of vessels in European waters, primarily around Denmark. Analyzing this large dataset allowed for establishing that BCR… Czytaj dalej New publication available

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Scholarships for GMU students #2

Poszukiwany/-a student(ka) studiów I lub II stopnia na kierunku Nawigacja Uniwersytetu Morskiego, zainteresowany(-a) stypendium ufundowanym przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju z Funduszy Norweskich. Celem współpracy jest prowadzenie badań naukowych i przygotowanie pracy dyplomowej w zakresie algorytmów wczesnego wykrywania ryzyka wystąpienia wypadku morskiego, takiego jak m.in. kolizja, utrata stateczności. Warunkiem otrzymania stypendium jest przygotowanie wstępnej… Czytaj dalej Scholarships for GMU students #2

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